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Geregistreerd 08-10-2003
Laatste update 04-11-2010
Geslacht Man
Geboortedatum 24-02-1988
Relatie Ja met Lady_1989
Seksualiteit Hetero
Kleur ogen lichtBruin
Schoenmaat 44
Favo forum Klaagbaak
Favo FOK!kers
Favo subsite FOK!forum
Aantal forumposts 840 »
Aantal FP-reacties 84 »
Aantal views 903
Aantal reacties 8
Laatste voyeur(s) NoXia
Favo Voetbalclubs AFC Ajax

Zin in vanavond schatje
-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --

-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --


Hou van je
-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --

Op 21-04-2011 20:53 schreef maxamius
fucking dood op jou fotoboek
Phuh nee op de jouwe is t feest
-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --

-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --

Wat ben jij een lekkere lurker zeg
-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --

Op 04-07-2011 09:31 schreef maxamius
heey ik heb een idee, zet zware dingen tillen bij je dislikes
hij is ge-update wijsneus pak aan

-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --

-- When you open your mouth, make sure the sound you make is better than silence --
-- People do not resist change, they resist being changed --