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Geregistreerd 20-10-2009
Laatste update 20-10-2009
Geslacht Man
Geboortedatum 07-07-1987
Seksualiteit Hetero
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Beroep Account Manager VoipDepot
Woonplaats Tielt
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Aantal forumposts 1 »
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Laatste voyeur(s) SayLWay
Dear customer/voip entrepreneur

After several months of preparation, we are proud to launch our new online Voice over IP shop!

We will not provide you with the typical salespitch that we are the best, the most beautiful, etc...

HOWEVER we'd like to stress out the points that are on top of our list and serve as a minimum criteria for our/your shop :

* 24/7 professional customer service
* Very competitive and sharp pricing
* Broad variety of products
* User-friendly interface
* Talk to us online through our Live Chat
* Young and dynamic team with more than 10 years of experience in Voice over IP
* Flexibility (try & buy)
* Compare product specifications with the click of a button
* 100% homemade product descriptions what we feel is interesting for the customer and is not a copy paste of the manual..
* Providing a channel where customers can write down their experiences with certain products/voip providers
* Always looking for new products/technologies
* High-resolution pictures for products
* Reseller program

We could go on, but we are a firm believer in a way that's called "try & buy".

So come take a look on our online store and make up your own mind. Don't forget to post your vote on our weekly poll!

Feel free to contact us by either phone or by e-mail to see what we can do for you!

E : info@voipdepot.be
T : +32 (0)2 300 70 07
F : +32 (0)2 300 70 08

See you soon! :-)

Friendly greetings

Frederik Maertens